Ask Pete – Increasing Protect-A-Bed Sales

Question: I know you have trained me on how to sell Protect A Bed and I am selling a lot of them. I do want to sell more. We have a beautiful display and I use the swatches of premium in all my demos. Is there anything else I can do to increase my Protect A Bed Sales?


Answer: There are three things you can do to increase your Protect A Bed sales. Buy the product and sleep on it. Share this with all of your customers. The second thing is to show Protect A Bed to every customer no matter what, even if they buy a $99 mattress. Still show it. The last thing is from our superstar sales person Lori. She puts a protector at her desk which prompts her to remember to plant the seed for Protect A Bed. The worse case scenario is it will prompt you to present the product prior to writing up the sale. I hope this helps. Please visit for more sales tips.